Computer Science
- User
- Usability
- Evaluation
- Models
- Assistive Technology
- Chatbot
- User Experience
- Assessment
Human AI conversational systems: when humans and machines start to chat (2024)Personal and ubiquitous computing, 28(6), 857-860. Borsci, S., Chamberlain, A., Nichele, E., Bødker, M. & Turchi, T. room design in training crew resource management in acute care: a scoping review (2024)BMC Medical Education, 24(1). Article 819. Jaspers, G. J., Borsci, S., van der Hoeven, J. G., Kuijer-Siebelink, W. & Lemson, J. the chatBot Usability Scale (BUS-11) to assess user experience with customer relationship management chatbots (2024)Personal and ubiquitous computing, 28(6), 1033-1044. Borsci, S. & Schmettow, M. Implications for Integrating AI Chatbot Technology with Learning Management Systems: A Study-based Analysis on Perceived Benefits and Challenges in Higher Education (2024)In ICAITE 2024: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Teacher Education (pp. 1-8). ACM Press. Sedrakyan, G., Borsci, S., Machado, M., Rogetzer, P. & Mes, M. Implications for Next Generation Chatbots with Education 5.0 (2024)In New Technology in Education and Training: Select Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advance in Education and Information Technology (pp. 1-12) (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology; Vol. Part F3326). Springer. Sedrakyan, G., Borsci, S., van den Berg, S. M., van Hillegersberg, J. & Veldkamp, B. P. XAI: Towards Intelligent Interfaces for Tailored AI Explanations (2024)In IUI '24 Companion: Companion Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2024 Companion) (pp. 119-121). Association for Computing Machinery. Turchi, T., Malizia, A., Paternò, F., Borsci, S. & Chamberlain, A. on Algorithmic Bias with Design Fiction: the MiniCoDe Workshops (2024)IEEE intelligent systems, 39(2), 40-50. Turchi, T., Malizia, A. & Borsci, S. Structured Approach to Clinical Pathway Mapping (CPM): a Case Study of a Postoperative Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) pump (2024)In Healthcare and Medical Devices: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Nice, France, 24-27 July 2024 (AHFE Conferences; Vol. 130). AHFE International. Micocci, M., Soukup, T., Kettley-Linsell, H., Bahadori, S., Zhou, S., Walne, S., Borsci, S., Buckle, P. & Hanna, G. the Integration of AI in Sepsis Management: A Pilot Study on Clinician Acceptance and Decision-Making in ICU Settings (2024)In Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Nice, France, 24-27 July 2024 (AHFE Conferences; Vol. 122). AHFE International. Micocci, M., Kettley-Linsell, H., Zhou, S., Festor, P., Borsci, S., Komorowski, M., Nagendran, M., Gordon, A., Buckle, P., Hanna, G. & Faisal, A.
Ciao AI: the Italian adaptation and validation of the Chatbot Usability Scale (2023)Personal and ubiquitous computing, 27, 2161-2170. Borsci, S., Prati, E., Malizia, A., Schmettow, M., Chamberlain, A. & Federici, S.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 201400213 - Masterthesis HFE
- 201500175 - Masterthesis HFE
- 201600162 - Advanced Research Methods for HFE
- 202000210 - Cognitive Ergonomics
- 202000356 - Human Factors Theory
- 202000358 - Research Projects
- 202000383 - Bachelorthesis HFE
- 202100305 - Human Factors in Healthcare
- 202200072 - User Psychology
- 202200244 - Internship EP
- 202200245 - Internship CRS
- 202200246 - Internship HFE
- 202200247 - Internship HPT
- 202400746 - Design & Evaluation
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 201400213 - Masterthesis HFE
- 201500175 - Masterthesis HFE
- 201600162 - Advanced Research Methods for HFE
- 202000210 - Cognitive Ergonomics
- 202000331 - Brain, Cognition and Development
- 202000356 - Human Factors Theory
- 202000383 - Bachelorthesis HFE
- 202100305 - Human Factors in Healthcare
- 202200072 - User Psychology
- 202200244 - Internship EP
- 202200245 - Internship CRS
- 202200246 - Internship HFE
- 202200247 - Internship HPT
Universiteit Twente
Capitool 15 (gebouwnr. 78), kamer 341
Capitool 15
7521 PL Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Capitool 15 341
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7500 AE Enschede