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Expertise hubs and the credibility challenge for open-source intelligence: insights from usage patterns of a web-controlled radio receiver and related Twitter traffic in the Ukraine war (2024)European Security (E-pub ahead of print/First online). van Harten, A., Donnelly, S., de Boer, P. T. & van Rijswijk-Deij, R. sovereignty as control: the regulation of digital finance in the European union (2024)Journal of European public policy, 31(8), 2226-2249 . Donnelly, S., Ríos Camacho, E. & Heidebrecht, S. party competition and varieties of US economic nationalism: trade wars, industrial policy and EU-US relations (2024)Journal of European public policy, 31(1), 79-103. Donnelly, S. Nationalism and Resolution in Italy and Spain (2024)Government and opposition, 59(1), 187-206. Donnelly, S. & Pometto, G.
Semiconductor and ICT Industrial Policy in the US and EU: Geopolitical Threat Responses (2023)Politics and Governance, 11(4), 129-139. Donnelly, S., Caps, Compartments, and Carve‐Outs: Creating Federal Fiscal Capacity Despite Strong Veto Powers (2023)Politics and Governance, 11(4), 92-101. Donnelly, S. and Finance Policy (2023)In Encyclopedia of Public Policy (pp. 1-5). Springer. Donnelly, S. financial services in the EU (2023)Journal of European public policy, 30(5), 787-806. Donnelly, S. supervision between risk reduction and economic renewal (2023)Journal of European Integration, 45(1), 59-77. Donnelly, S. World Order: Power politics, contestation and international institutions (2023)In Contestation and Polarization in Global Governance: European Responses (pp. 37-53). Edward Elgar. Donnelly, S.
European Banking Nationalism: State Power and Troubled Banks (2022)[Book/Report › Book]. Routledge. Donnelly, S. & Pometto, G.
The reaction of political parties to the contestation of trade policy in Europe and the United States (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Reacting to the Contestation of Trade Policy in the Transatlantic Area. Donnelly, S.Failing outward: Power politics, regime complexity and failing forward under deadlock (2021)Journal of European public policy, 28(10), 1573-1591. Donnelly, S. politics, the ESM, and the outlook for fiscal Union (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] ECSA-C 2021 - A Post Pandemic EU: A Green, Digital and Democratic Future?. Donnelly, S.Collective Resources under Crisis Conditions: Explaining the Development and Prospects of Collective Debt and Transfers in Europe under COVID19 (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] EGPA Conference 2021. Donnelly, S.Varieties of financial capitalism, economic nationalism and bank resolution in the Eurozone (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 10th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union 2021. Donnelly, S. Politics of the Eurozone Budget and the European Stability Mechanism (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 10th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union 2021. Donnelly, S. politics and intergovernmental negotiations on the eurozone budget (2021)Politics and Governance, 9(2), 230-240. Donnelly, S.
Bending and Breaking the Single Resolution Mechanism: The Case of Italy (2020)Journal of common market studies, 58(4), 856-871. Donnelly, S. & Asimakopoulos, I. G.
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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 194128030 - Master Thesis PA
- 194128051 - Master Thesis European Studies
- 201600034 - PH: Dynamics in policy, law & regulation
- 202000517 - EU Governance and Policy: Shaping Europe
- 202001104 - Cybersecurity & Cybercrime Theory
- 202100275 - Bachelor Thesis MS&T
- 202200252 - International Political Economy
- 202300159 - Governance and Sustainability
- 202300226 - Master Assignment HS
- 202400768 - European Markets and Technology
- 202400769 - European Environmental Transition
- 202400770 - Policy-Making in the European Union
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 194128030 - Master Thesis PA
- 194128051 - Master Thesis European Studies
- 201600034 - PH: Dynamics in policy, law & regulation
- 202000517 - EU Governance and Policy: Shaping Europe
- 202001104 - Cybersecurity & Cybercrime Theory
- 202100275 - Bachelor Thesis MS&T
- 202200252 - International Political Economy
- 202300159 - Governance and Sustainability
- 202300226 - Master Assignment HS

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