Dr. Serkan Girgin heeft het Centre of Expertise in Big Geodata (CRIB) bij ITC opgericht en leidt momenteel de activiteiten, een overkoepelende faciliteit die operationele kennis over de geospatiale big data-technologieƫn verzamelt, ontwikkelt en deelt. Hij doet onderzoek naar big data, cloud computing en technologieƫn voor het beheer van onderzoeksgegevens, en geeft advies en consultancy over de toepassing van deze technologieƫn voor activiteiten op het gebied van onderwijs, onderzoek en capaciteitsontwikkeling. Hij is ook een expert op het gebied van ontwerp en ontwikkeling van geocomputing-platforms, GIS- en RS-toepassingen, milieu-informatiesystemen en grootschalige webtoepassingen. Hij heeft het Geospatial Computing Platform van ITC, de Natech Database (eNatech) en het Rapid Natech Risk Assessment and Mapping System (RAPID-N) van de Europese Commissie ontworpen en ontwikkeld. Hij heeft M.Sc. en Ph.D. graden in milieutechniek, een tweede M.Sc. diploma in geodetische en geografische informatietechnologieƫn, en meer dan twee decennia onderzoeks- en advieservaring in academische, particuliere en wetenschappelijke organisaties sinds 1996. Hij is een eScience Center Fellow en SURF Research Support Champion in Nederland in 2022.


  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Risk
    • Accident
    • Metropolitan Area
    • Datum
    • Hazard
    • Infrastructure
    • Risk Assessment
    • Impact




Worldwide delineation of multi-tier cityā€“regions (2024)Nature Cities, 1, 469-479. Cattaneo, A., Girgin, S., de By, R. A., McMenomy, T., Nelson, A. D. & Vaz, S. (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Girgin, S. Delineation of Multi-Tier City-Regions (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Cattaneo, A., Girgin, S., de By, R., McMenomy, T., Nelson, A. & Vaz, S.


Preliminary documentation of coseismic ground failure triggered by the February 6, 2023 TĆ¼rkiye earthquake sequence (2023)Engineering geology, 327. Article 107315. Görüm, T., Tanyas, H., Karabacak, F., Yılmaz, A., Girgin, S., Allstadt, K. E., Süzen, M. L. & Burgi, P. of Life Benchmark Dataset (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Girgin, S. generation research data repositories: bringing computation to data for exploratory data analysis and visualisation (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Girgin, S., Castellanos Nash, P., De la Paz Ruiz, N. & Matcov, A. (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Garcia Alvarez, M., Grigin, S. & Urra Llanusa, J.ğal afetler ve endüstriyel kaza risk değerlendirmesi (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Girgin, S. Toolset: Research data management and publishing at your fingertips! (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Girgin, S., Garcia Alvarez, M., Urra Llanusa, J. & Barreto de Araujo, M. a Scalable Python Package for Co- and Tri-Clustering of Geodata Cubes (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Nattino, F., Ku, O., Grootes, M. W., Izquierdo-Verdiguier, E., Girgin, S. & Zurita-Milla, R.


Lopende projecten


Accelerating Process Understanding for Ecosystem Functioning under Extreme Climates with Physics-Aware Machine Learning

EcoExtreML couples the vegetation photosynthesis model (SCOPE) with the soil moisture model (STEMMUS, considering dynamic root growth), synergized with Earth-Observation data, to understand how the water-carbon dynamics of an ecosystem vary with environmental and climate stress. I support the development of containerized workflows that will enable distributed data analysis and modeling at global scale.


Connecting eScience Center RSEs and ITC researchers for better environment and sustainability-related research software uptake and development

This project funded by the Netherlands eScience Centre aims to organize a workshop series on environment and sustainability-related eScience Center research software for the researchers of the Faculty ITC to enable better uptake of research software. Besides enabling the growth of the user communities by involving highly skilled researchers, the events will also support better collaboration between the institutions. I'm the Principal Investigator of the project.

GEO Citizen Science and Pre-University: building a bridge between school education and digital technology for geo citizen science

This project aims to find out how pre-university students and teachers can be supported to use a modern digital geoscience toolbox for Citizen Science projects. In cooperation with UT Preā€‘U, a feasibility study will be performed to identify how the platform and available tools can be used for CS activities, including blitz campaigns. Potential use cases and expected impacts will be documented. Finally, a roadmap for developing well-written training material for the target audience will be prepared in consultation with teachers. I'm the Principal Investigator of the project.

EO AFRICA Research and Development Facility

ESA's EO AFRICA Research and Development Facility aims to develop a cloud-based Innovation Lab to support 30 joint African-European research projects in food security and water scarcity, as well as to set up EO Africa Space Academy and Digital Space Campus for knowledge development activities. I coordinate the Research Calls of the Facility, and contribute to the setup and operation of the EO Africa Innovation Lab.

Next Generation Research Data Repositories: Bringing Computation to Data for Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualisation

This project funded by SURF aims to bring computation capabilities to research data repositories in order to bring archived research data to "life" by making them directly explorable without download. I lead the project and design the system.


The IDEAMAPS Network aims to develop and maintain an Integrated DEprived Area MAPping System that leverages the strengths of our current silo-ed approaches to "slum" area mapping.

Mapping phenoregions over Europe and the contiguous United States using AWS

This project aims to develop a proof of concept of the Clustering Geo-data Cubes (CDC) package in AWS to apply advanced clustering workflow to large collection of high spatial and temporal resolution geospatial data. In particular, the use of AWS technologies (e.g., EMR, Kubernetes, ParallelCluster, etc.) to efficiently scale up the computing will be investigated. I contribute in workflow development and testing.

Voltooide projecten

Development of a Prototype Computing Platform for UT (2021)

Based on the design of ITC Geospatial Computing Platform (GCP), the Library, ICT Services & Archive (LISA) department of the University of Twente decided to develop a similar computing platform for the use of all UT faculties and institutes. I contribute to the initiative by co-developing the platform architecture and software implementation.

FAO State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) Phase I and II (2020-2021)

ITC developed national level indicators for FAO's State of Food and Agriculture report, which captured structural vulnerability of the domestic food system to disruptions in transportation or agricultural area. First phase aimed to develop the basic methodology and tested it for a country (Nigeria). I have contributed to the development of the analysis methods and designed global food import-export model.

IDEAMAPS Modelling Platform (2020-2021)

IDEAMAPS is a network of field-based community mappers, local governments, academics, and data scientists to to develop and maintain an Integrated DEprived Area MAPping System (IDEAMAPS) that leverages the strengths of our current silo-ed approaches to "slum" area mapping. I have contributed to the design of the data sharing and mapping framework. ITC's Geospatial Computing Platform was also utilized as the modelling platform of the project.

JupyterFAIR (2022)

Integration of interactive research environments to data repositories to facilitate FAIR data management practices

NWO Open Science, Principal Investigator

Digital Earth Africa: Capacity Development Strategy (2020-2021)

ITC is a partner of the Digital Earth Africa, which is a community activity under GEO aiming to provide an operational big earth observation data service to address challenges of Africa. I have contributed to the development of the capacity development strategy and implementation plan.

IDeAMapSudan (2021-2022)

Integrated Deprivation Area Mapping System for Displacement Durable Solutions and socioeconomic reconstruction in Khartoum, Sudan

IDeAMapSudan is a 2.5 year project aiming to develop a community-led geo-spatial database for mapping deprived urban areas (e.g., informal settlements) that will support the decision making process for displacement socio-economic reconstruction in Khartoum, Sudan. The project is part of the IDEAMAPS Network. I have provided training on geospatial data management platforms and helped in the implementation of the geodata portal of the project.

TMT+ Bangladesh (2021-2022)

Open Source Scientific Computing for AgroGeospatial Big Data Analysis

The TMT+ is a collaboration with the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) and the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) for a training project with the theme of ā€˜Open Source Scientific Computing for AgroGeospatial Big Data Analysis'. This program received support from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). It aims to further develop BARI's capacity in big geospatial data analytics, machine and deep learning, analysis-ready data, and open-source programming and modelling software. CRIB will support hands-on training on big geospatial data technology.

ITC - eScience Center Phenology Alliance (2020)

The Netherlands eScience Center set an alliance with ITC for high spatial resolution phenological modelling at continental scales. eScience Engineers and ITC researchers collaborated closely in the development of a distributed computing software package to perform clustering analysis for multidimensional geospatial data (Clustering Geo-data Cubes). I contributed to the development of the package.

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