
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Model
    • Investigation
    • River
    • Sand Wave
    • Flood
    • Bed
    • Wave
    • Dune



  • NIOZMember scientific advisory board
  • Scientific council waddenacademieChair
  • WRR (wetenschappelijke raad voor het regeringsbeleid, scientific council for governmental policy)Council member
  • committee sectorplannen beta&techniekMember
  • RWSENW (expert network on flood saferty) kernel member and chair river group
  • raad civiele techniek Civil Engineering Council (raad civiele techniek)
  • technical university of viennamember Advisory Board Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems


Jump to: 2025 | 2024


Sand Dunes as a Natureā€Based Solution to Mitigate Salt Intrusion in Stratified Estuaries (2025)Journal of geophysical research: Oceans, 130(1) (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Geerts, S. J., van der Sande, W. M., Hulscher, S. J. M. H., Geurts, B. J. & Roos, P. C. development of scour holes in lowland rivers: a review on the hydrodynamic and geotechnical conditions (2025)In Proceedings of the 12th International conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2024. CRC Press/Balkema. Oldenhof, M., Bomers, A., Warmink, J. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.


River Dune Behavior in Dredged Areas (2024)Journal of geophysical research: Earth surface, 129(12). Article e2023JF007580. Lokin, L. R., Kruis, W. S., Van Denderen, R. P. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. Dune Behavior in Dredged Areas: Data and scripts (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Lokin, L., Kruis, W., van Denderen, P. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. the Effect of Human Interventions and Climate Change Impacts on the Sediment Balance and Salt Intrusion in Engineered Estuaries (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Siemes, R. W. A. modelling of the influence of cohesive sediment on sand wave dynamics (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 21st International conference on the physics of estuaries and coastal seas, PECS 2024. Ploeg, W., Roos, P. C., Borsje, B. W. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Data accompanying the publication: Predicting Flood Inundation After a Dike Breach Using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Network (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Besseling, L. S., Bomers, A. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. Flood Inundation after a Dike Breach Using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Network (2024)Hydrology, 11(9). Article 152. Besseling, L. S., Bomers, A. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. wave-induced pressures on a saltmarsh cliff during storms: An experimental study (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2024. Muller, J. R. M., Borsje, B. W., Dermentzoglou, D., van der Werf, J. J., Antonini, A., Hofland, B. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Form roughness induced by tidal sand waves:: a modelling study (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2024. Portos - Amill, L., Roos, P. C., Damveld, J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Dataset underlying the study "Wetland topography drives salinity resilience in freshwater tidal ecosystems" (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Saccon, E., Hendrickx, G., Hulscher, S. J. M. H., Bouma, T. J. & van de Koppel, J. the water level accuracy in hydraulic river simulation by adapting mesh level elevation (2024)Environmental modelling & software, 180, 106135. Article 106135. Khorsandi kuhanestani, P., Bomers, A., Booij, M. J., Warmink, J. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. 3D interactions between offshore activities and sand wave recovery (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2024. Overes, P. H. P., Tam, Z., Luijendijk, A. P., Borsje, B. W. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.Effects of free surface modelling and wave-breaking turbulence on depth-resolved modelling of sediment transport in the swash zone (2024)Coastal engineering, 191. Article 104519. Kranenborg, J. W. M., Campmans, G. H. P., van der Werf, J. J., McCall, R. T., Reniers, A. J. H. M. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. modelling of sand transport and beach profile evolution in the swash zone (2024)Coastal engineering, 191. Article 104514. Chen, W., van der Werf, J. J. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. Change Can Intensify the Effects of Local Interventions: A Morphological Modeling Study of a Highly Engineered Estuary (2024)Journal of geophysical research: Earth surface, 129(7). Article e2023JF007595. Siemes, R. W. A., Duong, T. M., Borsje, B. W. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. estuarine sand dunes (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van der Sande, W. M. Wave-Induced Hydrodynamics Near A Saltmarsh Cliff: An Experimental PIV Study (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering, Coastlab 2024. Muller, J. R. M., Dermentzoglou, D., Borsje, B. W., van der Werf, J. J., Hulscher, S. J. M. H., Hofland, B. & Antonini, A. Form Roughness Induced by Tidal Sand Waves (2024)Journal of geophysical research: Earth surface, 129(5). Article e2023JF007610. Portos‐Amill, L., Roos, P. C., Damveld, J. H. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. and forecasting low flow river dune dynamics in a highly engineered lowland river (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Lokin, L. underlying the article: Modelling the cross-sectional dynamics of tidal sandbanks in sediment-scarce conditions (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. van Veelen, T., Roos, P. C. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. (. the Crossā€Sectional Dynamics of Tidal Sandbanks in Sedimentā€Scarce Conditions (2024)Journal of geophysical research: Earth surface, 129(4). Article e2023JF007308. van Veelen, T. J., Roos, P. C. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. importance of time-varying, non-tidal currents in modelling in-situ sand wave dynamics (2024)Coastal engineering, 189. Article 104480. Overes, P. H. P., Borsje, B. W., Luijendijk, A. P. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. experiments of vegetation-induced sediment resuspension under combined wave-current flows (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NCK Days 2024. van Veelen, T., Nepf, H. M., Hulscher, S. J. M. H. & Borsje, B. W. in-situ sand wave dynamics for offshore engineering activities: the role of slope-induced transport (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NCK Days 2024. Overes, P. H. P., Borsje, B. W., Luijendijk, A. P. & Hulscher, S. J. M. H.


Lopende projecten

2020-2024 Efficient modelling of ecomorphodynamcis in estuaries to evaluate salt-intrusion solutions

Siemes (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Duong, Borsje

2021-2025 Salt accumulation at floodgates and salt-water intrusion in rivers

Ebrahimierami (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Vermeulen (Co-promoter), Kitsikoudis

Sand transport in the swash zone

2018-2022 Dionisio Antonio (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), van der Werf, Vermeulen

2018-2022 Numerical modelling of cross-shore sand transport in the swash zone

Kranenborg (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Reniers, van der Werf, Campmans

2017-2021 Experimental study on wave-overtopping erosion for flood defence reliability

Chen (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Warmink, van Gent

2017-2021 Large-scale uncertainty in river water levels for flood defence reliability

Gensen (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Warmink

2017-2021 Modelling of wave overtopping erosion for flood defence reliability

Van Bergeijk (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Warmink

2017-2021 WADSnext! Morphodynamic modelling tools for the sustainable management of barrier coasts

Reef (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Roos, Schuttelaars

2016-2020 Towards sustainable nourishment strategies; How environmental processes determine benthic species distribution in the shore face and ebb tidal delta

Holzhauer (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Borsje

2015-2019 Floodplain rehabilitation: Linking processes to landscape patterns

Harezlak (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Augustijn

2019-2023 Idealized modeling of estuarine sand dunes

Van der Sande (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Roos

2018-2022 Airflow and sediment transport patterns across urbanized beaches

Pourteimouri (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Wijnberg, Campmans

2020-2024 River dune dynamics under high and low flows

Lokin (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Warmink, Bomers

2021-2025 Mapping and modelling ecosystem engineering activities and their response to salt intrusion in estuaries

Emmanuel (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Van der Wal (Co-promoter), Borsje

Voltooide projecten

2013-2017 Aeolian and hydrodynamic sand exchange across beaches [PhD thesis]

Duarte Campos (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Wijnberg

2012-2016 Safety assessment of multifunctional flood defences [PhD thesis]

Aguilar López (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Warmink , Schielen

2012-2016 Sand Transport under Breaking Waves

Van der Zanden (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Ribberink

2011-2015 Sand Extraction and coastal safety (SEACOS)

Chen Wenlong (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor)

2010-2014 River bed form evolution modelling for flood management purposes; River dune evolution and the transition to plane beds

van Duin (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Dohmen, Ribberink, Sterlini, Paarlberg


Hommes (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Bressers, Otter, Krol

2004-2009 A semi-analytical modelfor form dragof river bedforms

van der Mark (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Hoeijmakers, Blom, Ribberink

2004 - 2009 Coastal zone management of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia

Meilianda (PhD), Dohmen-Janssen, Hulscher (Promotor)

2003 - 2007 Dynamic roughness in rivers during floods

Paarlberg (PhD), Dohmen-Janssen, Hulscher (Promotor)

2003 - 2007 Modelling vegetation roughness for river basin management

Huthoff (PhD), Augustijn, Hulscher (Promotor)

2003 - 2007 Geographical information system of the North sea

van der Veen, Knaapen, Buijsrogge, Hulscher

2002 - 2005 European marine sand and gravel resources: evaluation and environmental impact of extraction

Idier, Knaapen, Hulscher

2001 - 2005 Appropriate modelling for river basin management

Huang, de Kok, Hulscher

2001 - 2005 Methodology for validation of integrated systems models

Giang (PhD), de Kok, Hulscher (Promotor)

2001 - 2005 Sediment transport processes in the ripple regime on the shoreface

van der Werf, Ribberink, Hulscher

2000 - 2005 Flood waves in the Dutch Meuse River [PhD thesis]

Gerretsen (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor)

2000 - 2004 Decision support systems for river basin management

Xu, Booij, Hulscher

2000 - 2004 Offshore sand extraction – morphodynamic effects in relation to seabed patterns [PhD thesis]

Roos (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), de Vriend

2015-2019 Floods of the past – Design for the future

Bomers (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Schielen

2010-2014 River bed form evolution modelling for flood management purposes; On the influence of suspended sediment transport on dune evolution

Naqshband (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Dohmen, Ribberink, Sterlini, Paarlberg

2010-2014 Turbidity Dynamics in Lake Naivasha Ecosystem

Ndungu (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor)

2009-2013 Short term biophysical interactions in coastal mangroves

Horstman (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Dohmen, Bouma, Herman, Webb, Friess, Galli, Balke

2008-2012 Process based modelling of sediment transport under waves in the sheet-flow regime

Kranenburg (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Ribberink, Uittenbogaard

2008-2012 Applying Dutch water expertise abroad; how to contribute effectively in the Romanian context

Vinke (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Augustijn, Bressers

2007-2012 Uncovering inherent dynamics in coupled bio-geomorphodynamic systems offshore

Borsje (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Herman

2005-2010 Congruent scales in economics, coastal engineering and coastal morphology

van der Burgh (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Wijnberg

2015-2019 Improving river management by estimating model uncertainty

Berends (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Warmink

2014-2018 The dynamics of side channels as rehabilitation measure: linking theory and practice

Denderen(PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Schielen

2014-2018 Beach-dune systems near inlets: linking subtidal and subaerial morphodynamics

Galiforni Silva (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Wijnberg

2014-2018 Modeling the effect of storm events and wind waves on sand wave dynamics

Campmans (PhD), Hulscher (Promotor), Roos

2015-2019 Smart and sustainable design for offshore operations in a sandy seabed

Damveld (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Roos, Borsje

2015-2019 Uncertainty in long-term bio-geomorphological dynamics for vegetated foreshores

Willemsen (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Borsje

2015-2019 Optimizing operational water management with sentinel-1 satellites

Pezij (PhD), Hulscher (Promoter), Augustijn, Hendriks


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