I am a third-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Twente (UT) in The Netherlands. My research focus is on the vapor-phase deposition of thin
films, mainly charge transport layers, their characterization (e.g. structural,
optical, electrical), and application in perovskite solar cells.


Overige bijdragen

1. T. Soto-Montero, W. Soltanpoor,  S. Kralj, Y. A. Birkholzer, Z. Remes, M. Ledinsky, G. Rijnders, M. Morales-Masis, Single-Source Pulsed Laser Deposition of MAPbI3, IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2021, Pages 1318-1323
2. J. Macan, F. Brleković,  S. Kralj, A. Supina, D. Gracin, A. Šantić, A. Gajović, Soft chemistry synthesis of CaMnO3 powders and films, Ceramics International, vol. 46, no. 11 A, 2020, Pages 18200-18207
3. J. Macan, A. Havliček,  S. Kralj, I. Panžić, M. Čeh, A. Gajović, Calcium manganite coatings from chemically synthesized powders, Proceedings from the 14th Multinational congress on microscopy, 2019, pages 472-474


Universiteit Twente

Carré (gebouwnr. 15), kamer C3225
Hallenweg 23
7522 NH Enschede

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