
  • Chemistry

    • Microfluidics
    • Device
    • Concentration
    • Dioxygen
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Culture
    • Cells
  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

    • Development
    • Lipid Bilayer



  • Royal Society of ChemistryAssociate Editor for the Lab on a Chip journal
  • CBMS (Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society)President of the non-profit organization CBMS (Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society)


Development of a Synovium-on-Chip Model with a Porous Membrane to Study Inflammatory Arthritis. Spoelstra, L. R., Araújo-Gomes, N., Zakharova - Kolezhuk, M., Welting, T. J. M., Karperien, M., Segerink, L. & Le Gac, S.Developing a lung-on-chip device for studying the impact of micro- and nanoplastics on human lung tissue. Mol, L., Pondman, K., Staal, Y. & Le Gac, S.STUDYING AND IMPROVING THE CYTOCOMPATIBILITY OF SLA RESINS. Bertelink, S., Laffont, L., Grasseau, I., Reynaud, K., Saint-Dizier, M., Venzac, B. & Le Gac, S.STUDYING AND IMPROVING THE CYTOCOMPATIBILITY OF SLA RESINS. Bertelink, S., Laffont, L., Grasseau, I., Reynaud, K., Saint-Dizier, M., Venzac, B. & Le Gac, S.Elucidating the role of circulating tumor microemboli (CTM): applying organ-on-chip technology and in vitro models of homo- and heterotypic CTM. Faber, B., Noll, M., Le Gac, S. & Pondman, K.Evaluation of paclitaxel-loaded polymeric nanoparticles in 3D tumor model: impact of tumor stroma on penetration and efficacy, 1470-1483. Priwitaningrum, D. L., Pednekar, K., Gabriël, A. V., Varela-Moreira, A. A., Gac, S. L., Vellekoop, I., Storm, G., Hennink, W. E. & Prakash, J. super-resolution imaging of microfabricated 3D substrates for 3D cell culture (Conference Presentation). Cabriel, C., Córdova-Castro, M., Berenschot, E., Dávila-Lezema, A., Pondman, K., Gac, S. L., Tas, N., Susarrey-Arce, A. & Izeddin, I. immune response: Health risk versus treatment opportunity?, Article 152317. Pondman, K., le Gac, S. & Kishore, U. Interfacial Adhesion of Hydrogel Matrices to PDMS-based Microfluidic Platforms. Na, Y., Devamoglu, U., Le Gac, S. & Paez, J.Improving Interfacial Adhesion of Hydrogel Matrices to PDMS-based Microfluidic Platforms. Na, Y., Devamoglu, U., Le Gac, S. & Paez, J.


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