- Humans
- Disgust
- Health
- Attention
Social Sciences
- Technology
- Diagnosis
- Machines
- Scientific Equipment
Phenomenology and the Philosophy of Technology (2024)[Book/Report › Book]. OpenBook Publishers. de Boer, B. S. O. M. & Zwier, J. self, therapy, and the limits of conversational AI (2024)Philosophical Psychology (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Babushkina, D. & de Boer, B. S. O. M. language models, politics, and the functionalization of language (2024)AI and Ethics (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Kudina, O. & de Boer, B. becoming: a Nietzschean critique of large language models (2024)Ethics and information technology, 26(3). Article 42. Fischer, S. W. S. & Boer, B. d.
Empowerment: Freud, Canguilhem and Lacan on the ideal of health promotion (2023)Medicine, health care and philosophy, 26(3), 301-311. de Boer, B. & Aydin, C. consumption and aesthetic disgust: Using design fiction to imagine novel food experiences (2023)International Journal of Food Design (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Boer, B. d. & Lemke, M. BecomesWorld? Scientific Objects, Nonmodern Worlds, and the Metaphysics of the Anthropocene (2023)Environmental Humanities, 15(1), 64-86. Zwier, J. & De Boer, B.
Does an Ontic Whole Exist?: Conditions of Possibility and Technology Use (2022)Foundations of science, 27(4), 1401-1407. de Boer, B.‘Braining’ psychiatry: an investigation into how complexity is managed in the practice of neuropsychiatric research (2022)BioSocieties, 17, 758-781. de Boer, B., Molder, H. t. & Verbeek, P. P. the Stage: Disgust as an Aesthetic Food Experience (2022)Design issues, 38(3), 20-33. Lemke, M. & de Boer, B.
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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 191612550 - Phil. Anthropology and Technology
- 201300088 - Master's Thesis PSTS
- 201300089 - Master's Thesis PSTS
- 201900007 - Perspectives on Engineering Design
- 202000369 - Professional Ethics for Psychologists
- 202000370 - History of Psychology
- 202000371 - Philosophy of Psychology
- 202000445 - History of Psychology DSM TP
- 202200262 - History of Psychology DSM TP
- 202300166 - Philosophy of Science and Technology
- 202300270 - M7 Gezondheidstechn. in de Maatschappij
Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn (gebouwnr. 10), kamer 4210
Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn 4210
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede
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