Nursing and Health Professions
- Emergency Ward
- Patient
- Troponin
Medicine and Dentistry
- Emergency Department
- Inpatient
Social Sciences
- Health Care
- Literature Reviews
- Operations Research
Criteria-based outpatient scheduling at a nephrology clinic: prospective evaluation of patient pre-assessment and its corresponding adaptive scheduling strategy (2024)BMC health services research, 24. Article 1145. Klaas, R., Lok-Visser, J., Doornebal, J., Roelofs, T., Rachuba, S. & Leeftink, G. planning in hospitals: a review (2024)OR Spectrum = OR Spektrum (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Rachuba, S., Reuter - Oppermann, M. & Thielen, C.
Einsatz neuronaler Netze in der Notaufnahme: Eine Illustration anhand der Prognose der stationären Aufnahme (2023)Notfall und Rettungsmedizin, 26(6), 401 – 406. Weberskirch, C., Pigorsch, U., Tralls, P. & Rachuba, S. Planning in Hospitals: A Review (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Rachuba, S., Reuter - Oppermann, M. & Thielen, C.
Tactical blueprints for surgical weeks - An integrated approach for operating rooms and intensive care units (2022)European journal of operational research, 298(1), 243-260. Rachuba, S., Imhoff, L. & Werners, B.
Special Issue on Healthcare Analytics (2021)Operations research for health care, 30. Article 100309. Büsing, C., Rachuba, S. & Thielen, C.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 194100060 - Master Thesis IE&M
- 201500389 - Capita Selecta IEM
- 202000396 - Operations Research
- 202000397 - Operations Strategy
- 202000398 - Project Operations Management
- 202000399 - Professional and Academic Development M2
- 202000414 - Professional and Academic Development M5
- 202000434 - BSc Research Assignment
- 202300064 - Simulation
- 202300328 - Stochastic Models
- 202400670 - Planning and Scheduling
- 202400751 - Project MASP
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn (gebouwnr. 10), kamer 3313
Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn 3313
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede