
Transferability of tsetse habitat models between different regions in Kenya and Rwanda, Article 110548. Gachoki, S. M., Groen, T. A., Skidmore, A. K., Vrieling, A. & Daniel, M. an entropy-based local statistic for categorical data. Hamm, N., Naimi, B. & Groen, T. A.Detection of geothermal anomalies using night-time spaceborne thermal data from ECOSTRESS sensor. Soszynska, A., Groen, T. A., van der Werff, H. M. A., Bonyo, E., Hewson, R., Reeves, R. & Hecker, C.Detection of geothermal anomalies using pre-dawn thermal remote sensing data from ECOSTRESS sensor. Soszynska, A., Groen, T. A., van der Werff, H. M. A., Bonyo, E., Hewson, R., Reeves, R. & Hecker, C.Detection of geothermal anomalies using pre-dawn thermal remote sensing data from ECOSTRESS sensor. Soszynska, A., Groen, T. A., van der Werff, H. M. A., Bonyo, E., Hewson, R., Reeves, R. & Hecker, C.Evidence-based advice on timing and location of tsetse control measures in Shimba Hills National reserve, Kenya, Article e0011398, 1-18. Gachoki, S., Groen, T., Vrieling, A., Skidmore, A. & Masiga, D. is a trade‑off between forest productivity and animal biodiversity in Europe, 1879-1899. Khamila, C. N., Groen, T. A., Toxopeus, A. G., Santini, L., Neumann, M., van Swaay, C. & Sierdsema, H. as bioindicator for monitoring anthropogenic disturbance of Owabi wetland sanctuary, Ghana, 151-169. Manu, M. K., Ashiagbor, G., Seidu, I., Groen, T. A., Gyimah, T. & Toxopeus, A. G.


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Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023


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