
  • Physics

    • Performance
    • Arrays
    • Air
    • Heat Pipe
  • Engineering

    • Micro Heat Pipe
    • Air Collector
    • Thermal Energy Storage
    • Heat Transfer



Allocation optimization of two-stage compression-absorption heat exchanger, Article 109396. Hua, J., Wang, J. & Zhu, T. analysis on thermal behavior of cascaded thermal storage units using multichannel flat tubes, Article 112142. Pan, Y., Diao, Y., Liu, Y., Chen, C., Wang, X., Sun, C., Zhao, Y., Wang, T. & Zhu, T. comprehensive review of compression high-temperature heat pump steam system: Status and trend, 218-242 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Ma, X., Du, Y., Zhao, T., Zhu, T., Lei, B. & Wu, Y. investigation of a novel flat-plate solar air collector with L-shaped dual micro heat pipe arrays, Article 122566. Wang, X., Diao, Y., Wang, Z., Zhao, Y., Pan, Y., Zhang, D. & Zhu, T. of boilers equipped with vapor-pump (BEVP) system equipped with a novel air-flue gas total heat exchanger, Article 109316. Hua, J., Wang, J. & Zhu, T. evaluation of air-source heat pump based on a pressure drop embedded model, Article e24634. Koopman, T., Zhu, T. & Rohlfs, W. experimental investigation on the heat transfer characteristics of cascaded thermal storage units based on multichannel flat tubes, Article 110012. Pan, Y., Diao, Y., Liu, Y., Chen, C., Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Zhang, D. & Zhu, T.


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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

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