
  • Computer Science

    • Activity Recognition
    • Models
    • Contexts
    • Sensor Networks
    • Channel State Information
    • Dirichlet Process
    • Accuracy
    • Application



Wi-Gitation: Replica Wi-Fi CSI Dataset for Physical Agitation Activity Recognition, Article 9. Sharma, N., Brinke, J. K., Jansen, L. M. A. B., Havinga, P. J. M. & Le, D. V. classification with integrated flow and pressure sensors using machine learning, Article 114762. Alveringh, D., Le, D. V., Groenesteijn, J., Schmitz, J. & Lötters, J. C. the Impact of Locations and Activities in Person-Wise Data Mismatch in CSI-based HARIn 2023 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT) (pp. 232-239). Sharma, N., Le, D. V. & Havinga, P. J. M. Investigating the Impact of Antenna Polarization and Modulation Parameters on Subsoil Communication Range in LoRa NetworksIn Proceedings - 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things, DCOSS-IoT 2023 (pp. 437-444). IEEE. Nguyen, N. D. T., Le, D. V. & Havinga, P. J. M. the world from its words: Anchor-agnostic Transformers for Fingerprint-based Indoor LocalizationIn 2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) (pp. 150-159). IEEE. Nguyen, S. M., Le, D. V. & Havinga, P. J. M. Generative Distribution Adversarial Network for Few- and Zero-Shot Face Anti-SpoofingIn 2022 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB). IEEE (Accepted/In press). Nguyen, S. M., Tran, L. D., Le, D. V. & Masayuki, A.
Testbed Hardware Design to Collect Data for Underground PVC Water Pipe Crack Detection: Challenges and Solutions, 1-5. Tran, Q. C. V., Le, D. V., Yntema, D. R. & Havinga, P. J. M. talking in underground water pipelines, 1-5. Tran, Q. C. V., Nguyen, D. T. N., Le, D. V., Yntema, D. R. & Havinga, P. J. M.Self-diagnostic PVC pipes for capturing threats in underground water pipelines, 1-5. Tran, Q. C. V., Le, D. V., Yntema, D. R. & Havinga, P. J. M.A Review of Inspection Methods for Continuously Monitoring PVC Drinking Water Mains, Article 2327-4662 , 14336-14354. Tran, Q. C. V., Le, D. V., Yntema, D. R. & Havinga, P. J. M. artificial intelligence in society: looking beyond the EU AI master plan using the culture cycle. Borsci, S., Lehtola, V. V., Nex, F. C., Yang, M. Y., Augustijn, P. W. M., Bagheriye, L., Brune, C., Kounadi, O., Li, J. J., Rebelo Moreira, J. L., Van der Nagel, J., Veldkamp, B. P., Le, D. V., Wang, M., Wijnhoven, F., Wolterink, J. M. & Zurita-Milla, R. Analysis of Pruning Methods for Compact Neural Networks on Embedded DevicesIn Internet of Things. IoT through a Multi-disciplinary Perspective: 5th IFIP International Cross-Domain Conference, IFIPIoT 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 27–28, 2022, Proceedings (pp. 274-292). Springer. Hofstee, S. B. H. C. & Le, D. V.
Completely Automated CNN Architecture Design Based on VGG Blocks for Fingerprinting LocalisationIn 2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Article 9662642. IEEE. Shreya, S. & Le, D. V.


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Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023

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