Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Model
- Investigation
- Flood
- Landslide
- Rainfall
- Event
- Hazard
- Catchment
Dynamic rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning in Progo Catchment, Java, Indonesia (2023)Natural hazards, 119(3), 2133-2158. Satyaningsih, R., Jetten, V., Ettema, J., Sopaheluwakan, A., Lombardo, L. & Nuryanto, D. E. breakthrough in fast flood simulation (2023)Environmental modelling & software, 168. Article 105787. van den Bout, B., Jetten, V. G., van Westen, C. J. & Lombardo, L., an open-source super-fast flood model in the browser (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EGU General Assembly 2023. van den Bout, B., Jetten, V., van Westen, C. & Lombardo, L. rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning in Progo Catchment, Java, Indonesia (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Earth ArXiv. Satyaningsih, R., Jetten, V., Ettema, J., Sopaheluwakan, A., Lombardo, L. & Nuryanto, D. the Impact of the Urban Landscape on Extreme Rainfall Characteristics Triggering Flood Hazards (2023)Hydrology, 10(1). Article 15. Umer, Y., Jetten, V., Ettema, J. & Steeneveld, G. J. of bridge resilience in Small Island Developing States (2023)Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change, 28(1). Article 1. Trigg, M. A., Dehghani, M. S., Kesete, Y. Y., Carr, A. B., Trigg, S. G., Zekkos, D., Lopez, D., Pertierra, M., van Westen, C., Jetten, V. & Ogden, F. L.
A breakthrough in fast flood simulation (2022)[Working paper › Preprint]. Earth ArXiv. van den Bout, B., Jetten, V., van Westen, C. & Lombardo, L. based modeling of co-seismic landslide, debris flow, and flood cascade (2022)Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 22(10), 3183-3209. van den Bout, B., Tang, C., van Westen, C. & Jetten, V. G. relationships between return periods of precipitation surface hazard intensity (2022)Water, 14(9). Article 1348. van den Bout, B., van Westen, C. & Jetten, V. G. camera 2014 Campus Canon (2022)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Areda (University of Twente). van der Werff, H., Lievens, C., van der Meer, F., Jetten, V., Ymeti, I. & Shrestha, D.
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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
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