

Trade-offs in the collaborative design of a B2B eco-label for the European railway sector (2025)Procedia CIRP (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Cannappah, C., Haanstra, W. & Braaksma, A. J. J.A systematic decision-making process flow for circular dismantling of trains: a case study (2025)Procedia CIRP (Accepted/In press). Kartoidjojo, S., Letteboer, T., Haanstra, W. & Braaksma, A. J. J.Evaluating environmental indicators for eco-labeling within the European railway sector: towards adaptive and sustainable transportation systems (2025)Procedia CIRP (Accepted/In press). Kartoidjojo, S., Haanstra, W. & Braaksma, A. J. J.Implementation of reuse and recycling strategies in railway infrastructure: insights from a case study (2025)Procedia CIRP (Accepted/In press). Kartoidjojo, S., Kortekaas, T., Haanstra, W. & Braaksma, A. J. J.


Selecting suitable indicators for the design of eco-labels for the European railway sector: a case study (2024)Procedia CIRP (Accepted/In press). Cannappah, C., Kartoidjojo, S., Haanstra, W. & Braaksma, A. J. J.Operationalizing the Circular Economy: A Longitudinal Study on Sustained Circular Action (2024)Sustainability (Switzerland), 16(14). Article 5874. Holwerda, H., Haanstra, W. & Braaksma, J. serious maintenance management game for decision-making on digitized railway assets (2024)In 31st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2024) (pp. 1-6) (Procedia CIRP; Vol. 122). Elsevier. Kok, A., Moerman, J.-J., Haanstra, W., Martinetti, A. & Braaksma, J. the goals and needs for the use of eco-labels in the European railway sector (2024)Procedia CIRP, 122, 443-448. Cannappah, C., Haanstra, W. & Braaksma, J. Impacts on Interorganizational Project Coordination: A Multiple Case Study on Large Railway Projects (2024)Project Management Journal. Trauernicht, N., Braaksma, J., Haanstra, W. & van Dongen, L. A. M.


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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025

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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

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Sustainable Asset Management

Sustainable Asset Management

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Universiteit Twente

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7522 LW Enschede

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