
  • Physics

    • Light
    • Photonics
    • Gaps
    • Media
    • Photonic Crystal
    • Crystals
  • Material Science

    • Photonic Band Gap
    • Crystal



  • QuixAdvies & aandeelhouder


Wavefront shaping through a free-form scattering object, 4335143361. Rates, A., Lagendijk, A., Adam, A. J. L., Ijzerman, W. L. & Vos, W. L. and Wavefunctions of Photons Confined in 3D Photonic Band Gap Superlattices. Kozon, M., Lagendijk, A., Schlottbom, M., van der Vegt, J. J. W. & Vos, W. L. inhibited spontaneous emission of PbS quantum dots covalently bound to 3D silicon photonic band gap crystals. ChemRxiv. Schulz, A. S., Kozon, M., Vancso, J., Huskens, J. & Vos, W. L., Secrecy, and Profiling using Mutual Scattering in Complex Media. University of Twente. Rates, A. shaping through a free-form scattering object. Rates, A., Lagendijk, A., Adam, A. J. L., IJzerman, W. L. & Vos, W. L. Emission of PbS Quantum Dots Controlled by Silicon Photonic Band Gap Crystals. Vreman, T. J., van den Oudenrijn, J., Goodwin, M. J., Rates, A., Akdemir, O., Mulder, L., Schulz, A. S., F. L. Alferink, N., Corbijn van Willenswaard, L. J., Kamphuis, G. J., Harteveld, C. A. M., Takahashi, S., Lagendijk, A. & Vos, W. L.Unsupervised machine learning to classify the confinement of waves in periodic superstructures, 31177-31199. Kozon, M., Lagendijk, A., Schlottbom, M., van der Vegt, J. J. W. & Vos, W. L. of Optical Properties of Real Photonic Band Gap Crystals as Opposed to Utopian OnesIn 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), Article 10232742. IEEE. Willenswaard, L. J. C. v., Smeets, S., Renaud, N., Schlottbom, M., Vos, W. L. & van der Vegt, J. J. W. the Position Resolved Energy Density Inside Photonic Scattering Slabs with Strong Absorption and AnisotropyIn 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023. IEEE. Akdemir, O., Bitenc, L., L Maxwell, I., Goodwin, M., Truong, M. D., Lagendijk, A. & Vos, W. L. the Position Resolved Energy Density Inside Photonic Scattering Slabs with Strong Absorption and Anisotropy. Akdemir, O., Bitenc, L., L Maxwell, I., Goodwin, M. J., Truong, M. D., Lagendijk, A. & Vos, W. L.Computation of Optical Properties of Real Photonic Band Gap Crystals as Opposed to Utopian Ones. Corbijn van Willenswaard, L. J., Smeets, S., Renaud, N., Schlottbom, M., Vos, W. L. & van der Vegt, J. J. W.Light transport in anisotropically scattering and absorbing media. University of Twente. Akdemir, O. secrecy in optical communication using speckle from multiple scattering layers, 23897-23909. Rates, A., Vrehen, J., Mulder, B., Ijzerman, W. L. & Vos, W. L. Scattering Layers As Physical Unclonable Functions For Optical Wireless Communication. Rates, A., Vrehen, J., Mulder, B. L., IJzerman, W. L. & Vos, W. L.Photonic Energy Density and Scattering from Random and Periodic Arrays of Silicon PillarsIn 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) . Goodwin, M. J., Akdemir, O., Truong, M. D., Bitnec, L., Lagendijk, A. & Vos, W. L.Fabrication of 3D Photonic Band Gap Crystals from SiliconIn 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) . Goodwin, M. J., Harteveld, C. A. M., Corbijn van Willenswaard, L. J., Vreman, T. J., Schulz, A. S., Grishina, D. & Vos, W. L. reactive ion etching of cylindrical nanopores in silicon for photonic crystals, Article 225301. Goodwin, M. J., Harteveld, C. A. M., de Boer, M. J. & Vos, W. L. the position of a single scatterer in an opaque medium by mutual scattering, 15058-15074. Truong, M. D., Lagendijk, A. D. & Vos, W. L. properties of chiral three-dimensional photonic crystals, Article 165307. Takahashi, S., Tajiri, T., Arakawa, Y., Iwamoto, S. & Vos, W. L. Emission of PbS Quantum Dots Controlled by 2D Silicon Photonic Crystals. Vreman, T. J., van Essen, P., Goodwin, M. J., Harteveld, C. A. M., Takahashi, S. & Vos, W. L.Complex optical properties of random materials obtained with Mutual Extinction. Rates, A., Truong, M. D., Lagendijk, A. & Vos, W. L.Scaling Theory of Wave Confinement inv Classical and Quantum Periodic Systems. Kozon, M., Lagendijk, A., Schlottbom, M., van der Vegt, J. J. W. & Vos, W. L.


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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

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Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023

Commentaar bij de 2023 Chemie Nobelprijs voor Ekimov, Brus en Bawendi, in NRC: (door Laura Wismans)

Commentaar bij de 2014 Natuurkunde Nobelprijs voor Amano, Akasaki en Nakamura voor de blauwe LED, op radio "Hoe zo!" en op Kennislink:

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