Before joining the department of Health Technology and Services research in 2020, Xavier performed his doctoral research, "Embracing Uncertainty in Health Technology Assessment", at the Maastricht University Medical Centre+. His research interests are the use of simulation models to evaluate the value of new health care technologies and how to improve the transparency of these simulation models. Currently, Xavier is involved in research projects focusing on the early detection of (risk factors for) cardiovascular diseases. Xavier also teaches the basic principles of (early) health economic evaluations in multiple study programs (Bachelor Health Sciences and Master Biomedical Engineering).
Medicine and Dentistry
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- Health Care Cost
- Patient
- Quality Adjusted Life Year
- Therapeutic Procedure
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Systematic Review
- Breast Cancer
Verbonden aan opleidingen
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 194100060 - Master Thesis IE&M
- 201700196 - Advanced Discrete Event Simulation
- 202000434 - BSc Research Assignment
- 202300226 - Master Assignment HS
- 202400157 - M5 Health Economics and Accounting
- 202400158 - Project: Dragon’s Den for Healthcare
- 202400159 - Health Care Economics and Financing
- 202400160 - Economic Evaluation in Healthcare
- 202400161 - Financial and Management Accounting
- 202400202 - BSc Opdracht GZW
- 202400739 - Capita Selecta IEM
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 194100060 - Master Thesis IE&M
- 201700196 - Advanced Discrete Event Simulation
- 202000434 - BSc Research Assignment
- 202000867 - M5 Health Economics and Accounting
- 202000875 - M11-M12 BSc opdracht GZW
- 202001464 - Thesis Preparation
- 202001580 - Early HTA during Med. Device Development
- 202100266 - Economic Analysis and Evaluation in HC
- 202300226 - Master Assignment HS
Universiteit Twente
Technohal (gebouwnr. 18), kamer 3306
Hallenweg 5
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Technohal 3306
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede
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