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War and peace in public health education and training: a scoping review (2024)BMC public health, 24. Article 2303 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Wandschneider, L., Nowak, A. C., Miller, M., Grün, A., Namer, Y., Bochenek, T., Balwicki, Ł., Razum, O. & Cunningham, C. Freedom and Patterns of Self-Censorship in Psychology Education in Turkey (2024)Teaching of Psychology (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Hünler, O. S., Namer, Y. & Düzen, N. E. Conversation about Communication-Based Marginalization in Everyday Life (2024)In Intersectional Challenges to Cohesion?: On Marginalization in an Inclusive Society (pp. 103-119) (Social Cohesion; Vol. 7). Campus Verlag (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Stöcker, A. & Namer, Y.Bir Akademik Özgürlük Meselesi: Psikoloji Eğitiminde Söylenemeyenler (2024)Onto Psikoloji Dergisi(26), 11-25. Hünler, O. S., Namer, Y. & Düzen, N. E. Challenges to Cohesion?: On Marginalization in an Inclusive Society (2024)[Book/Report › Book editing]. Campus Verlag (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Namer, Y., Stöcker, A., Ashour, A., Dieckmann, J., Schmidt, P. & Zurbriggen, C.
Stakeholder perspectives on the 2020 global health strategy of the German federal government (2023)European journal of public health, 33(Suppl. 2). Detering, B., Namer, Y. & Saint, V. + Refugees’ and Asylum Seekers’ Mental Health: A Qualitative Systematic Review (2023)Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC. Nematy, A., Namer, Y. & Razum, O.ğimiz Akademinin Sonu:: Travma Politikasına Karşı Kollektif Hafıza İnşası (2023)Eğitim Bilim Toplum, 21(81), 56-75. Hünler, O. S., Namer, Y. & Düzen, N. E.Diverse social identities and their importance for public health: A syllabi collection with hands-on material for teaching (2023)[Book/Report › Report]. Wandschneider, L., Wetzel, L., Skrypnikova, O., Podar, M. D., Lanfer, H. L., Selig, S. & Namer, Y. way forward: strengthening health equity through social justice-based approaches in public health education (2023)Population Medicine, 5(Special Issue Supplement), 415-415. Podar, D., Conyard, K. F., Schlegel, E., Codd, M., Namer, Y. & Wandschneider, L.
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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 201600169 - Masterthesis HPT
- 201800111 - Positive Clinical Psychology
- 202000354 - Mental Health in Practice
- 202000381 - Bachelorthesis PCPT
- 202001487 - Clinical internship PCPT
- 202001488 - Research/Internship PCPT
- 202200085 - Clinical Internship PCPT
- 202200086 - Research / Education Internship PCPT
- 202200087 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200384 - Prevention Internship PCPT
Universiteit Twente
Capitool 15 (gebouwnr. 78), kamer 246
Universiteit Twente
Capitool 15 246
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede
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